When Bella Swan’s mother starts traveling with her new husband, the 17-year-old leaves her home in Phoenix and returns to live with her father in tiny Forks, Washington. After the endless sun of Arizona, Forks’ misty grey climate is quite exotic to Bella--as are her new classmates, the Cullen family. Impossibly good-looking and extremely private, they are unlike anyone she has ever met--in more ways than she realizes. The Cullens are a family of immortal blood drinkers. For decades--centuries for some of them--they have disciplined themselves to consume only animal blood, living the vampire equivalent of a “vegetarian” lifestyle. They hide under the Olympic Peninsula’s cloudy sky, living as normal a life as possible and keeping to themselves to protect their secret. Bella becomes especially fascinated with Edward Cullen, but her new classmate keeps her at arm’s length. In truth, his attraction to her is overwhelming and he fears that his vampire nature will overcome his self-control.
Bella is the soul mate he has searched 90 years for, but her scent threatens to send him into an uncontrollable feeding frenzy. Unable to resist spending time with Bella, Edward reveals himself to her in the hope that his secret will repel her, but the teenager only becomes more infatuated. Soon the young couple is inseparable and Edward’s internal struggle intensifies in the face of Bella’s consuming desire to become one of them. As Bella discovers more about Edward’s world, she throws herself headlong into a thrilling and terrifying romance, attracting the attention of a group of nomadic vampires who lack the Cullens’ squeamishness about human blood and target her as their next victim.
Score and soundtrack
The score for Twilight was composed by Carter Burwell, with the rest of the soundtrack chosen by music supervisor Alexandra Patsavas. Meyer was consulted on the soundtrack, which includes music by Muse and Linkin Park, bands she listened to while writing the novels. The original soundtrack was released on November 4 by Chop Shop Records in conjunction with Atlantic Records.

The score for Twilight was composed by Carter Burwell, with the rest of the soundtrack chosen by music supervisor Alexandra Patsavas. Meyer was consulted on the soundtrack, which includes music by Muse and Linkin Park, bands she listened to while writing the novels. The original soundtrack was released on November 4 by Chop Shop Records in conjunction with Atlantic Records.
Twilight: Official Trailer
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