He is preparing his final tour from his life very soon. In a couple of days or an a weeks he is going to joining in Worlds Majority group.
According to the author of Michael Jackson's new biography auther Ian Helperin Michael Jackson is reportedly in desperate need of an emergency transplant operation to save his life from a rare lung condition.
This femiliar pop icon Michael Jackson (50) is suffering from lung disease Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, a potentially fatal genetic illness, as well as emphysema and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Mister pop 'Bad' and Thriller' famed Jackson also suffers an eye problem, his left eye almost 95-percent blinded.
British News Daily Sunday Express broke this news and entire fans of Michael Jackson across the world are dumped in grief with this.
Jackson has been suffering from lung disease and fighting for life in hospital. His blood circulation is also holding problem and doctors say that he is battling with life's last moments.
Venkateshwarlu Bulemoni
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