In this family film, Emma Roberts leads a star-filled cast that includes Kyla Pratt, Lisa Kudrow, Kevin Dillon, and Don Cheadle. A pair of orphaned siblings (Roberts and Jake T. Austin) are forced to give up their beloved dog when they move into a foster home. But since they can't stand to live without him, they turn a closed hotel into a home for their dog--and any other strays they can find. Hotel for Dogs is based on the novel by Lois Duncan.
In this family film, Emma Roberts leads a star-filled cast that includes Kyla Pratt, Lisa Kudrow, Kevin Dillon, and Don Cheadle. A pair of orphaned siblings (Roberts and Jake T. Austin) are forced to give up their beloved dog when they move into a foster home. But since they can't stand to live without him, they turn a closed hotel into a home for their dog--and any other strays they can find. Hotel for Dogs is based on the novel by Lois Duncan.
1 comment:
Great pictures on your blog! We're looking forward to Hotel for Dogs and have written a page about it at Hotel For Dogs.
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